Premier Radiology Group

Specialized radiology services by board-certified experts.

He is currently evaluating Diffusion Tensor Imaging and the effects of trauma on thousands of patients every year, Dr. Pizarro has worked with several leaders and researchers in the field of Alzheimer’s Disease, memory disorders and Diffusion Tensor Imaging.

Dr. Jose Pizarro is Pleased to Announce He is the Featured Subject in the Second of Two New Online Interviews

LONGBOAT KEY, FLORIDA, UNITED STATES, April 14, 2021 / — Hot on the heels of a previous interview, Dr. Jose Pizarro is delighted to announce he is the subject of a second long-form profile piece, this time published by an online periodical aimed at entrepreneurs. This interview, which was released on March 16, 2021, is more biographical and practical in nature than the last, and mostly concentrates on topics such as healthy work habits and overcoming professional obstacles.

Upon being asked for an account of a typical day in his life, Dr. Pizarro recounts how he begins very early in the morning to get a sense of his caseload. “We have cases funneled into our system from hundreds of locations,” he explains, “I do have other radiologists that work with me and, depending on our respective availability, we will try to divide the cases amongst us based on who specializes in the various areas.” He goes on to describe how he spends a good deal of time each day on referrals, consulting with referring physicians who want a second opinion on their patient’s imaging studies, and expert witness work for the criminal justice system as well.

Regarding how he manages the business side of things in addition to actively practicing medicine, he responds, “(b)eing disciplined with my schedule is very important, especially when you work remotely like I do,” adding that it’s imperative to “have the discipline to get up early and be motivated without having other people around to follow or guide you.”

As for professional obstacles, Dr. Jose Pizarro recalls a specific instance from the early days of his medical practice. “We opened our second opinion services to the public,” he remembers, citing a veritable flood of people calling him over cases that were not in his medical purview. “I think a lot of people just had a lack of understanding what those services meant.” Pressed on how he overcame that particular problem, he answers, “(w)hat we did to modify that process was deal directly with the treating physicians. If they want a second opinion, they’re the ones that come to us and we submit our results to them directly, rather than to the client or to the patient.”

To read the full text of this interview or explore other content relating to Dr. Jose Pizarro, people can visit his personal website.

About Dr. Jose Pizarro:

In addition to being an expertly-trained radiologist, Dr. Jose Pizarro is the founder and chief executive of Premier Diagnostic Imaging. The company specializes in the development, study, implementation, and practical utilization of cutting-edge medical technology such as diffusion tensor imaging. Presently, Premier Diagnostic Imaging conducts operations in five states, but is based in southern Florida.

Dr. Jose Pizarro
Founder and CEO, Premier Diagnostic Imaging
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